Create Database with Netbeans Program and Ms.Access

by Son Rokhaniawan Perdata, S.T | 11:32 PM in , |

Hi all readers, this project we will create a database program using Netbeans IDE 6.5 Database and Ms.Access. Software may Netbeans is new for us. Yes the actual program Netbeans is a software used to create a program based on JAVA. We still use the first appearance of white Notepad to create JAVA applications. Akan NotePad but parallel development is replaced by slow start because TEXTPAD facilities provided by this TEXTPAD seems more complete and informative than the notepad. But when we look kebelakang shortages have appeared TEXTPAD again, that is we still have to type the script to make the program components. And that lack is covered by the Netbeans this. Namely to provide component parts without having to type the script to make the withdrawal other GUI Programming Languages. You can create our new project, we:

Here the view that the program will be created:

The Steps:

***> Create database tables and cooperation with the Member as follows:


Noang - Text - 5

Nama - Text - 25

Alamat - Text - 30

Jkel - Yes/no

Agama - Text - 1

NoKTP - Text - 15

NoTelp - Text - 12

Simpanan - Number - LongInt


1. Create a design form as shown in the picture. In the form there is a component JTextField, JComboBox, JRadioButton, JPanel, JButton.
2. Change the name of the components that we have entered, especially for components JTextField, JComboBox, JButton, JRadioButton engan way and conditions as follows:

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